Conequences of drug use.

Today we are looking at how the consequences of drug use.


  1. hallucinations,    short-term effect, physical, negitive.
  2. poor peformance at school,       long-term, spirtual, negitive.
  3. addiction,            long-term,   mental and emotional, negitive.
  4. stealing or lying,     long-term, spiritaul, negitive.
  5. short-term memory problems,    short-term, mental and emoional, negitive.



Synthetic drugs

  1. unresposiveness,     short-term, physical, negitive.
  2. rapid heart rate,        short-term,  physical, negitive.
  3. potential suicide,        short-term, mental and emotional/ physical,  negitive.
  4. Heart attack,              short-term,  physical/  mental and emotional, negitive.
  5. Severe paranoia           short-term,        social/ mental and emotional, negitive.


In health class we have been learning about drugs here is my work from today

  • Drug laws in NZ-complete the table below using the provided links and put it on your blog    
  • Title for your blog- Drug laws in NZ           



Info Info

Purchasing age:18

Drinking age:any

Drinking at a party:any 

Fine and/or jail time for the person selling U18 the alcohol?

You can get upto a 2000 dollar fine 



Highlight- is it illegal or legal?

Possession/to have: illegal or legal?

Distribution/deal: illegal or legal?

Cultivation/grow: illegal or legal?

Consequences of breaking these laws for:

Possessing:the maximum penalty is three months’ imprisonment or a fine of up to $500, or both.

Distributing: the maximum penalty is three months’ imprisonment or a fine of up to $500, or both.

Cultivating: the maximum penalty is three months’ imprisonment or a fine of up to $500, or both.



Purchasing age:18 Fine and/or jail time for the person selling U18 the cigarettes?the maximum penalty is three months’ imprisonment or a fine of up to $500, or both.

Info Info

Purchasing age:


Fine and/or jail time for the person selling U18 vapes?the maximum penalty is three months’ imprisonment or a fine of up to $500, or both.
Select a drug of your choice

Info  cannabis

Provide 3-5 relevant laws: It is illegal to use, possess, grow, make, or traffic (deal) in these drugs Consequences of breaking these laws: you could be fined, sent home or sent to jail . Possessing cannabis carries a fine of up to $500NZD and/or 3 months in jail. Growing, making and dealing in drugs all carry long prison sentences (in some cases for life).

wind racers/ sail boats

Aim: I want to find out how to make a wind vehicle with sails to see how the forces change.


Pressure gradients affect wind racers because it helps airflow go from a higher pressure to a lower pressure.

Coriolis Force affects wind because it deflects the wind direction from your expected path.

friction can change the wind’s direction to go slower on an expected path.

The wind is air that is moving. Air is made of tiny particles called molecules we cannot see. Wind makes objects move because the molecules in the air hit the objects and move them.

are they balanced? No wind sailers are unbalanced. 

what forces are there? Wind racers use horizontal lift forces from pressure and different water and wind speeds keeping the wind racers’ direction.

what is net force and how does this relate to your wind sail? the mass of the object. net force will change its velocity by changing either its speed or its direction or both.

what are the strength forces acting on high-speed winds?

why do you think their sails went slower than others? Because there were many other designs that were made, some having more 

The term “healing” describes how the wind’s force on the sails causes the boat to lean or tilt. While heeling to some extent is normal and helps with speed, too much heeling can negatively impact the boat’s efficiency and stability.

DNA extraction

aim i want to find out how to get DNA from a banana


  1. mush some bananas (no skin) in a zip lock bag with a splash of water and small teaspoon of salt
  2.   strain the solution through a small cloth into a beaker
  3.   add a squirt of dishwashing liduid and stir
  4. pour into a test tube and leave for 10 mins
  5.  slowly pour 5ml of ethonal in the test tube
  6. wait a few minutes and then pull the stick out to see the dna


  • beaker
  • banana
  •  plastic bag
  • test tube
  • stiring rod
  • salt
  • water
  • dishwashing liqud
  • warm water
  • ethenol
  • cloth
  • saftey glasses


after letting the DNA set for awhile we put a stick in the test tube and pulled it out to see DNA all over the stick



wananga time

athletics 11th march,

star student Delilah Shore

attendance must be 85% and high with a justified phone call or email

there is a hhs ships account on tiktok, they dont know who is making the videos

uniform must be on point but if not you must have a note

15 people caught on phones

devices must be brung to school charged or with a charger

reflection time – 3 lates, not following school values, t3 at lunch

beeswax wraps


 In soft materials we have been learning about sustainability this week we made beeswax. We had to make a blog about why they are good for the environment and how to make them.

Beeswax wraps are used to keep food stored and fresh. They also help the environment by not using plastic wrap or aluminum foil plastic and foil are non biodegradable meaning it can cause drain blockage, pollution and hurt sea animals. Non biodegradable plastic can take 20 – 50 years to decompose depending on sun exposure and environmental factors. Beeswax wraps are made out of cotton and beeswax wraps can last up to a year if you keep them clean.

Making the beeswax wraps are simple all you have to do is peel the beeswax chunks and cut out a piece of cotton using pinking shears after that sprinkle the peeled beeswax all over the cotton not using to much otherwise it will spill out the sides, put a piece of baking paper on top and get the iron and push outwards from the middle making sure all the beeswax is melted when so take it off the baking paper and let it dry.

Washing the wraps is as easy as making the beeswax wraps use cold water and soap, sponging the leftover crumbs off the wraps and leaving to drip dry.





In our class we have been talking about emotions and how to cope with difficult situations, we have done blookets and many worksheets over the past week and we have been working on multiple different dilemmas.

I choose dilemma number 6 “prue had unprotected sex at a party when she was drunk. She was embarrassed and didn’t tell anyone for a few days afterwards, by then it was too late for her to use emergency contraception (morning after pill).  

On the other side of the worksheet we explained how they might be feeling, how their body language looks and what advice you would give. we had to explain it from both perspectives. 

Question one asks (how might she be feeling) I wrote scared, nervous and guilty. I think that because she might be young and doesn’t know where to get the help that she needs and I think she might be guilty because she might not have told the boy or feels like she made a mistake. Another question states (how would you stay positive in a rough situation like that) i always think it’s best to keep your mind off things and do something you enjoy.